Ngahere peere keri me te titi peere
Peere ngahere rakau: 40CR
Mahinga titi peere: 45#, 40CR ranei
Tae: maitai ma pango ranei

Rahi rongonui mo te peere ngahere:
Rahi*(te diameter o roto*te diameter o waho*te teitei) mm | Rahi*(te diameter o roto*te diameter o waho*te teitei) mm |
30*40*40 | 65*75*60 |
30*40*50 | 65*75*70 |
30*40*60 | 65*75*80 |
35*45*45 | 65*80*50 |
35*45*55 | 65*80*65 |
35*45*40 | 65*80*70 |
35*45*50 | 60*75*80 |
35*45*60 | 60*75*90 |
40*50*45 | 65*85*65 |
40*55*50 | 65*85*70 |
40*55*70 | 65*85*80 |
40*50*40 | 70*80*70 |
40*50*50 | 70*80*80 |
40*55*40 | 70*80*90 |
40*55*45 | 70*85*100 |
40*55*60 | 70*85*70 |
40*60*50 | 70*85*80 |
40*60*60 | 70*85*90 |
40*50*60 | 70*90*70 |
45*55*55 | 70*90*80 |
45*55*70 | 70*90*90 |
5*55*40 | 71*86*70 |
45*55*45 | 71*86*90 |
45*55*50 | 75*85*90 |
45*55*60 | 75*90*90 |
45*60*40 | 80*100*100 |
45*60*50 | 80*100*70 |
45*60*60 | 80*100*80 |
50*60*55 | 80*100*90 |
50*60*50 | 80*105*9 |
50*60*60 | 80*110*90 |
50*60*70 | 80*90*100 |
50*65*50 | 80*90*90 |
50*65*60 | 80*95*100 |
50*65*70 | 80*95*120 |
50*70*60 | 80*95*60 |
50*70*70 | 80*95*70 |
55*65*50 | 80*95*80 |
55*65*55 | 80*95*90 |
55*65*70 | 85*105*90 |
55*65*65 | 85*95*110 |
55*70*50 | 85*95*120 |
55*70*60 | 85*100*90 |
55*70*70 | 90*105*100 |
55*75*60 | 90*105*110 |
55*75*70 | 90*105*120 |
60*70*70 | 90*105*70 |
60*70*65 | 90*105*80 |
60*70*75 | 90*105*90 |
60*75*50 | 90*110*120 |
60*75*60 | 90*110*90 |
60*75*70 | 90*110*100 |
60*75*75 | 100*115*100 |
60*75*80 | 100*115*120 |
60*75*90 | 100*120*100 |
60*80*60 | 100*120*120 |
60*80*70 | 100*125*100 |
60*80*80 | 100*125*120 |
60*80*90 | 110*125*100 |
60*85*60 | 110*130*125 |
Awheawhe me nga taputapu mo te ngahere peere/titi:

Mōkī me te tuku:

To tatou wheketere:

Fujian Yongjin Machinery Manufacturing Co., LTD, kei roto Rongqiao Industrial Zone, Nan'an pa. Inaianei e kapi ana i te 30000 mita tapawha me te neke atu i te 300 nga kaimahi. Ko tenei kamupene hihiko e aro ana ki te hanga kerekere me nga wahi e manawapa ana bulldozer - hu ara, roera ara, roera kawe, sprocket, mangere, riu riu, peere ngahere me te titi etc.
Kei te kaha ano a Yongjin ki te whakarato ki nga kaihoko te kounga pai me te ratonga. Kei te pai a Yongjin Machinery ki te whakarite hononga pakihi mo te wa roa ki a koe!

To tatou painga:
1.30000 mita tapawha awheawhe me te 300 kaimahi, he rawaka te kaha whakaputa mo ia kaihoko.
2. Neke atu i te 30 tau te wheako i roto i te mahi toki me te umanga o raro o te waka.
3.Kounga kounga. Ka tino whai matou ki nga punaha whakahaere kounga o GB/T 19001/ISO 9001, GB/T 45001/ISO 45001, GB/T 24001/ISO 14001.
4.Kotahi-mutu hokohoko mo te maha o nga waahanga rereke o te keri me te bulldozer.
5. Kawea atu a tatou taonga ki te nuinga o nga whenua o te ao me te mohio ki nga korero hou mo tenei ahumahi.